Chalumbin Wind Farm
Atherton Tablelands, North Queensland
2020 – Continued
- Project approvals
- Project design refinement
- Environmental assessment
- Flora and fauna surveys
- Stakeholder engagement
- Native Title and Cultural Heritage Agreements
The Chalumbin Wind Farm Project, approximately 15km southwest of Ravenshoe in Far North Queensland, consists of up to 94 wind turbines and will have a maximum nameplate wind farm generation capacity of 665MW, producing approximately 2,170GWh of renewable electricity per year.
Commencing in 2020, Attexo has worked closely with Epuron to assess the feasibility of the Project and provide critical path inputs into the delivery of Federal and State Approvals. Attexo has led the preparation of a Public Environment Report addressing Matters of National Environmental Significance under the Commonwealth EPBC Act including values associated with the Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Area.
Among other peripheral services, Attexo’s role has included executing field surveys across both wet and dry seasons, engaging with the Jirrbal People (Native Title Group), and providing valuable input into the refinement of the project layout based on the characterisation of risks posed by various constraints.
Stakeholder engagement has continued to play a significant role in the delivery of this Project, and Attexo’s collaborative approach has included partnering with specialist groups (e.g. Magnificent Brood Frog Working Group) to develop a greater understanding of the ecology of the site and to foster positive and transparent relationships.
The project was granted development approval by the Queensland Government in June 2022. Work on the project remains ongoing with a view to achieving Commonwealth approvals in H2 2022.
T.C. Beirne Building
315 Brunswick St, Level 4
Fortitude Valley, Qld, 4006